Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Signed, sealed, Delivered and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

So last week I shared with you all some of the tutorials I was using to make Christmas presents for teachers and day care educators. Well we have now delivered the presents and here are the final pictures. I am thrilled how everything turned out. Myself and the girls each made the presents and it was a lovely thing for us to do together. Probably a bit more work than I originally anticipated but fun nonetheless.

School teacher gifts ended up being Journal covers, coffee cozy's made by me, and reindeer noses made by the girls. For 2 of the teachers, my mother also made lovely knitted coat hanger covers. Unfortunately I forgot to photograph those.

Fabrics left: Golden Garden by Alexander Henry. Fabrics right: Circa by Sis Boom and Floral Bouquet by Amy Butler

Fabric left: Sanctuary by Patty Young. Fabrics right: Chevrons from Spotlight, Circa from Sis Boom, and Aqua solid  from Robert Kaufman

For the day care educators, we made lemon foot scrub and put them into mason jars. The girls both helped with the making of the lemon foot scrub and we even tested it and the girls were pretty impressed by the foot scrubs! I decorated the jars with fabric and ribbons, and I think they turned out pretty nicely even if I do say so myself :)

Mason jars purchased from supermarket, plain card from Spotlight, fabric scraps and ribbon from my extensive stash!

Close up of the finished product. Simple ingredients but delicious scents!

Christmas presents don't have to be expensive although that too can be lovely! This year we just wanted to try the handmade route and everyone seemed to genuinely appreciate the effort we made. And if you want to make any of these items, check out the previous blog post as I linked in tutorials to these items. Oops, except the coffee cozy, but there are LOADS out there on the internet. Head to the trusty Pinterest if you want to get some goodies!

To you and your families, I wish you a wonderful Christmas this season. I hope it brings some well earned time with your families and may 2014 bring you and yours peace and all that you wish for.

I will try to pop back in between now and Christmas and New Year but it may be a tad tricky as I will have 2 very excited girls bopping about the house.

Lots of love,
Sarah xx

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